Make sure you look after your own health and be aware if you start to feel stressed. A calm, considerate response is necessary, so you can reassure the casualty and find out the information you need from them.

What to do

  1. Be calm in your approach.

  2. Be aware of risks to yourself and others and do not put yourself in danger.

  3. Communicate calmly and clearly. Some people may have specific communication needs or difficulties.

    Build and maintain trust from both the casualty and bystanders.  Remember that people can act out of character when frightened or alarmed by what is happening to them.

  4. Treat the most serious, life threatening conditions first.

  5. If worried, call 999 or 112 for emergency help straight away.

    Find time for yourself after the emergency is over, to talk through what has happened and how you are feeling with someone trusted.  It is normal to feel a whole range of emotions after adrenalin settles.  Talk to a health professional if you experience ongoing unsettled feelings.

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